Health Insurance Premiums on the Rise? Kill Me Now!

As part of this class, I intend to find out what about government is SO important that I absolutely MUST become a more informed voter. Well, here is a start.

A recent article written in the New York Times reveals Anthem Blue Cross is raising its premiums to cover the increase in medical costs. As I recently spent the evening in the emergency room not even 7 months ago, I do understand that medical costs are at an all time high. However, so are insurance costs. Dental benefits don't coverly nearly half the work my sweet tooth requires. Scripts are so high I've decided drinking a double shot espresso is a cheaper alternative to any ADHD medications my doctor can prescribe. So how can a company that profited over my debts this past year dare raise their premiums?

How do I stop this? Can it be stopped? As much as I can call the company itself and scream random obscenities, I alone cannot stop these insurance companies from profiting off my broken bones. Ok, you've got my attention.

Someone please help me.....mmmm, cake.....uh.....afford medical....stuff!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Are Not All Men and Women Created Equal?

The fight for rights denied to same sex marriages is on its way to the Supreme Court, as citizen Nancy Gill is unable to give her spouse the same benefits that her coworkers spouses are granted simply because they are a lesbian couple Does this argument stand a true chance in court?

Many say that it doesnt. The advocates for gay rights have little hope given the priority of other issues. How does denying human rights have low priority? Considering the recent health care reform, the subject of same sex marriages had to have come up as a topic, as many same sex couples are denied health care coverage under their spouses benefits, causing these couples to have to pay twice for coverage. Arguments against acknowledging same sex marriages are typically the same; religious freedom from having to marry such couples, children will have to recognize homosexuality at a young age, and it will change our society forever.

Granted, there are pros and cons to every decision made. I know putting myself in the position to have to explain gay relationships to a child would be quite difficult. However, is the uncomfort of America really worth sacrificing the rights of its citizens? And would we not be teaching children discrimination by denying certain people rights? Putting a child in a home with two mothers or two fathers has to have some benefits over a home with only one parent. The number of homeless children would decrease as gay and lesbian couples could adopt children and give them loving homes. Even though this fight is only for the rights of same sex couples and not for the legalization of same sex marriages, the topic has to come up that you have to recognize the marriage to recognize the rights as spouse. Civil rights should not be denied because the genders on the health insurance forms for both spouses are male or female. Benefits to cover spouses are designed to help take care of your loved ones, regardless of their sex.

An annonymous blogger writes :"A loving man and woman in a committed relationship can marry. Dogs no matter what their relationship, cannot marry. How should society treat gays and lesbians in a relationship, as dogs or humans?" Even though I'm sure this quote is referring more to the actual marriages, it points in the same direction for rights.

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