Health Insurance Premiums on the Rise? Kill Me Now!

As part of this class, I intend to find out what about government is SO important that I absolutely MUST become a more informed voter. Well, here is a start.

A recent article written in the New York Times reveals Anthem Blue Cross is raising its premiums to cover the increase in medical costs. As I recently spent the evening in the emergency room not even 7 months ago, I do understand that medical costs are at an all time high. However, so are insurance costs. Dental benefits don't coverly nearly half the work my sweet tooth requires. Scripts are so high I've decided drinking a double shot espresso is a cheaper alternative to any ADHD medications my doctor can prescribe. So how can a company that profited over my debts this past year dare raise their premiums?

How do I stop this? Can it be stopped? As much as I can call the company itself and scream random obscenities, I alone cannot stop these insurance companies from profiting off my broken bones. Ok, you've got my attention.

Someone please help me.....mmmm, cake.....uh.....afford medical....stuff!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Obama Makes Peace in the Middle East

Recently, national security adviser Gen James Jones held a meeting at the White House where President Barack Obama made an unannounced appearance and made an impromptu speech on the war in the Middle East. As he listened attentively to all the issues brought forth, the real question of the evening remained, “was it time for the president of America to step in and outline his own peace treaty for the Middle East? It is believed that neither side is ready to come to an agreement on their own, so is it now our responsibility to get it moving? I’ve always had somewhat of an opinion to everything, but this is not as straight forward. On the one hand, the US would be responsible for ending a brutal battle between the Palestinians and Israelis. While some are worried that neither party will accept a deal, others are simply suggesting it is a situation that cannot possibly be dealt with right now. Does our nation actually have issues that are bigger and more important than making peace? Is the Middle East really in need of our assistance? What can we do to help another nation make peace? The 1978 Camp David agreements have some proof that America’s interference in a peace agreement would not be a complete bust. However, with America’s more recent unsuccessful involvement with Iraq may suggest otherwise. Should America help others at war make peace when we ourselves are battling a war with Iraq While one side tends to lean towards helping others find peace, the other would rather see Obama focus his efforts on getting our nation out of debt. President Obama has some rather large decisions to be made in the future.

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